Leland Holdt/Security Mutual Life Award

体育菠菜大平台's most prestigious faculty award recognizes an outstanding teacher-scholar for achievements that bring substantial credit to the University. The activity areas considered include teaching, research and service, with preference given to candidates who demonstrate high accomplishments in all three areas. 

Leland Holdt Nomination Materials

Nominations or applications for this award should include a letter addressing achievements in some detail, keyed to the appropriate criteria (see below), and a current CV. All materials should be sent to the Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.

Leland Holdt Criteria

  • In the area of teaching, candidates should demonstrate influential intellectual impact on students and extraordinary and innovative teaching practice.
  • In the area of research, candidates should have published research or produced creative activity that is known and respected and that has made a significant impact in their respective disciplines.
  • In the area of service, candidates should demonstrate extraordinary education-related service to students, educational institution, the profession, the discipline or the community.

Leland Holdt/Security Mutual Life Award recipients (.pdf)